Saturday, April 18, 2009

Some Birding on Earth Day

I hadn't realized how long it's been since I made an entry. Oh well.

I started off fairly early this Saturday Earth Day morning going for a bird watching walk with a ranger at Radnor Lake. It was billed as a warbler event, but the warblers didn't cooperate. We did see a couple of prothonotaries and quite a few yellow rumped, but that was it. The yellow rumped warblers had a new suit of clothes since the last time I saw any, which was only about a month ago. I had a great time nonetheless. There was a gaggle of cedar waxwings. We had a nice view of a red bellied woodpecker in the same tree with a downy. We also saw a river otter swimming in the lake and making a barking noise.

Not having had enough of a very pleasant 70 degree spring day, after getting second breakfast I went biking and birding in Percy and Edwin Warner ( the main drive in Percy plus a circuit through Edwin). Down by the Little Harpeth River, I saw a Great Blue Heron having a struggle to swallow its lunch. I was too far away to see clearly what body part was sticking out its beak, but I think it was a frog leg. After I crossed Old Hickory Blvd back into Percy Warner by the Steeplechase, I saw my life bird for the day, a broad winged hawk (the image at the top of that page is like the view I had).